
Roughly translated, Tekel means "magician" in tokian. A Tekel is a special, high-ranking toki, trained in many subjects. Other tokis will look up to a Tekel in times of distress. Most toki tribes are led by a single Tekel.

Tekels are trained in magic, art, writing, tool-making, astrology, and much more. In some tribes, is forbidden for ordinary tokis to know these subjects.

A Tekel may get upset if you address them without the -Tekel honorific.
A Tekel may get upset if you address them without the -Tekel honorific.

A Tekel must have been trained by another Tekel. Only Tekels know the ancient ways that have been passed down through generations, dating back to the very first Tekel known as Ssta-Tekel. One of the moons circling Tarati was named after her in her honor.


A Tekel will always have the suffix -Tekel at the end of their name.

Getting on the wrong side of a Tekel can have dire consequences.
Getting on the wrong side of a Tekel can have dire consequences.

When the time comes, a Tekel will choose a toki to teach in the ancient ways. The apprentice toki will gain the "-Tenu" suffix to indicate that they are a Tekel in training.

A Tekel will only mentor a toki once in a lifetime, and when the Tekel retires his/her apprentice will become the new Tekel. The suffix of apprentice toki's name will be changed from "-Tenu" to "-Tekel".


A Tekel will usually adorn themselves with paint, jewelry, and body piercings to help them stand out amongst ordinary tokis.

Some Tekels carry a long stick to help them conduct magical energy. The stick channels the magical forces towards a single point, making it generally easier to aim bolts of energy with.