Sethoth Tribe is a small village located in the jungles of Tarati. The current leader is Hyrika-Tekel, an aging Tekel who is completely blind. The town's sublunary duties fall upon the incumbent leader, Rahhn-Tenu.
Sethoth Tribe has many claims to fame, the first being that the village has both hot and cold running water. One of the rivers running into the town flows from an icy mountain, and the other flows from an active volcano.
Sethoth Tribe has won the Tarati Fishing Tournament for 7 years in a row. Sushi-Tak is the defending champion having caught 2,755 cumulative fish in her career.
The village is renowned for its metalworking craftspeople, and Sethoth spears are sought after by traders. Vanuk-Tak is the best metalworker in Sethoth.